Criteria to determine Live-in-Relationship

The legal recognition of Live-in-Relationship is determined by the set of standards set by the Courts. While determining whether a Live-in-Relationship exists, factors such as prolonged cohabitation, resource sharing, and presenting themselves as a couple to the Society are considered.

The Hon’ble Supreme Court in its Judgement has confirmed the criteria that can be considered to know whether a relationship is similar to a marriage and the same can be done by analyzing: -

  • Both the consenting adults have been residing together for a reasonable amount of time agreed to the joint household, shared finances & accounts, and consented to various types of financial incorporations
  • If the roles and responsibilities of a domestic household are shared and agreed upon, inclusive of sharing of physical & sexual proximity with one another. If both adults agreed to share responsibilities to nurture and look after the children and establish an impression to friends & society of being a married couple;
  • If both adults established clear signs of a long-lasting relationship or not