About Live-In Relationships
In the past few years, the concept of living in a Live-In-Relationship has rapidly flourished in Indian society. The concept emphasizes the culture of two individuals living together as if they are husband and wife without tying the knot of marriage. While this evolving concept remains a challenge to customary ideas of marriage, the judicial system of India has identified and upheld the rights and dignity of those individuals who are willing to stay in such relations. There is no codified law by the Government of India as well as any of its State. However, the Supreme Court and High Courts of India has from time to time from their Judgement and Orders has dealt with the cases in which the parties are living in such relation. These Judgements and Orders if read together, one can formulate the implied guidelines (though not stated in detail). From all such Judgement and Orders, we have made an attempt to find the legal ramifications of Live-in-Relationships in India.